Wednesday 1 May 2013

#BEDM - 5 Lines...About me

I’m Laura, the crazy money saving student studying geography in Bangor.
Wales beautiful but it rains a lot.
I miss my dog more than anything else from home.
I have watched Mamma Mia at least 3 times in the past 3 weeks.
My friends are just as crazy as me.


  1. hiya!

    homesickness is the worst!
    PS: i once watched Pride and Prejudice 3 times in 3 days >.< and ican watch an episode of cougar town on loop for hours.. and still laugh!

    looking forward to the rest of the bedm :)
    BreezeyBee Blog

    1. It's not homesickness exactly it's just weird not having her around all the time.


  2. Aww I totally understand about your dog, I love & miss mine when I'm not around like crazy!

    I'm taking part in the challenge too over at :)

    Tania x

  3. Heyy, found you through BEDM - I completely understand the Mamma Mia appeal. I remember back in the days of videos I used to watch Grease and then run for food/bathroom breaks while it was rewinding... and then watch it again. I think I once did it for the entire week of half term... not that I'm obsessive or anything.
