Monday 27 May 2013

#BEDM - Secret Talent

So what can I do that not many of you guys know I can do? Well with a blog most of my talents are the focus of posts. I've mentioned my thrifty crafts before and I will be featuring some over summer but a talent I do have which not that many people know about is that I can knit.

Oh yes, deep down I actually old.

I've been able to knit for a few years now, I made a scarf with the help of my mother while I was in high school, I still wear it today. My interest in knitting trailed off for a few years after the scarf mainly because it was seen as so uncool and old. When I started my thrifty crafting while I was in sixth form I gave knitting another go, I pretty much had to reteach myself but I picked it up again easy enough.

I don't really knit anything complicated, one of my missions for the summer is to master knitting patterns, for now I knit simple things like scarves and blankets, nothing too complex.

I shall share some of my creations one day, maybe even a tutorial, we shall see.

Keep it scrimpy

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