Thursday 19 November 2015

Just a woman.

Someone said to me today 'you're just a woman Laura'. I laughed it off at the time but it's been playing on my mind all day.

The moment came about when I was explaining to someone what our plan was for the day, we were heading to the forest to push over some dead trees and haul them up to be cut. The person who I was talking to looked at me a little worried and said 'be careful, you're just a woman Laura'

I'm not just a woman though, I'm so much more than that.

I'm a daughter, sister and granddaughter.

I'm a friend, girlfriend and (to some) enemy.

I'm a student, peer guide and blogger.

I'm a book, planner and stationary addict.

I'm a groom, cook and baker.

Yes I am a woman but I'm also so much more. I'll be dammed if I'll ever let anyone define me as just one thing. 

Keep it scrimpy,


  1. Great post! We should always be proud of who we are!

    1. Thank you :) Yes we should! Women are fabulous multitasking beings! (and men can be as well) X
