Saturday 7 November 2015

BEDN- Unusual hobbies- Planning

This post has taken a lot of pondering, my hobbies aren't exactly unusual, I read, blog, eat, ride horses and dabble in crafts, it's not exactly wing walking. I do however own a Filofax and I've been a member of the U.K. Planner Addicts Facebook group for the past year.

I think planning is one of those things people either get or don't. Loads of people have a diary every year but a planner to me is different. It's more about organising more than just your schedule. There are several sections that I have in my planner.

Making my planner really reflect me is what I love about planning
Addresses and birthdays 

I love sending letters and cards to friends, it's less of s surprise if you have to ask for their address every time you want to send them a pick me up. I also have a list of birthdays and a list of present ideas for each person.

Notes and lists

This section can get messy, during uni I had lecture notes in here. Later on I had notes relating to my year abroad and summer plans. I genuinely love listing, I had so many to do lists, mini bucket lists, shopping lists, book and film lists.


Now this is the section that gets used most, everything is here, meetings, lectures, interviews and reminders. I've played around with several layouts over the past year, I currently have a week to a page view then a two page notes and to-do for the week. I'll probably change again soon.


For me this was an essential section, My doctor asked me to keep track of a few things over 6 months and a month to a page calendar was a great way to keep track of things.
I love my daily motivation
I love the flexibility about my Filofax and I love taking the time to make it my own, my cover page always makes me smile. I love having the freedom to change my layout whenever I want to. There's also something quite satisfying knowing you have a selection of post-it notes on hand at all times. Need a book mark? Post-it note! Making a list? Post-it note! Leaving your housemate a passive aggressive note? POST IT NOTE! 

Is planning an unusual hobby?

Keep it Scrimpy,

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