Tuesday 10 November 2015

BEDN- FamIly

Ah, where would we be without family eh? We fight like cat and dog but we wouldn't be the same without them.

My parents are pretty awesome really, they've both always supported me in everything I've wanted to do in life, as long as what I'm doing makes me happy, then they are happy. My dad came to see me last month for a few days and I got to show him around the farm.

Mother when she came to visit Bangor
My dad here in the Czech Republic

My sister and I used to fight a lot but somehow, since I left for uni, she's grown quite attached to me. It's almost like she misses me sometimes. I still get a little bit worried when she just FaceTimes me for no reason.
We scrub up well really!
 I didn't always see eye to eye with my grandparents either, I still don't on occasion and our relationship has been rocky but things have been good the past few years and I'm starting to realise  that time with them is precious. I've been making an effort to keep in contact with them while I'm away so I've skyped them a few times (They don't own a computer) and my granddad even attempted to use my dad's partners ipad which resulted in a few laughs. 

Old people and technology eh!?
Pooch was and always will be a member of the family. I'm a big believer that pets should be included as part of the family. Our newest addition is my sisters hamster called Dwayne (it's a girl) I'm pretty excited to meet her at Christmas

You know that person you call Aunty but you aren't actually related to? I have a few of those. And friends who just become adopted family members. They are just as important as the rest of the family.

Like adopted family members that just turn up at your house and nap!

Then there's my uni family, these beauties got me through three years, nothing made me prouder than seeing them graduate last summer. Also a shout out to Sara who I lived with for a year and Wiwi who I lived with for two years. They put up with a lot! 

Family are pretty amazing.

Keep it Scrimpy.

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