Tuesday 19 January 2016

Why I took a year abroad.

As most of you know I'm currently in the Czech Republic working on a farm as part of my degree. In July I'll be graduating with a degree in BSc Geography with International Experience. At Bangor anyone can choose to add the 'with international experience' to their degree so why did I do it?

It's been a crazy 6 months, but why did I do it?

1- I wasn't sure what I wanted to do

I spent a lot of third year panicking that I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, it was the cause of some serious breakdowns, at the same time the international department were bombarding us with emails about study abroad, so I went along to one of their sessions and working abroad was mentioned briefly. I started to consider it. I knew I didn't want to study any more, I needed a break from education. So it all just kind of fell into place, I applied to do the year abroad as was accepted onto the program so all that was left was to find a placement!

2- It makes you stand out

In a smaller job market that is swimming with more and more graduates, it's important to stand out, not many people have an international experience degree, I'm not saying it's going to  net you your dream job, or any a job for that matter but it might make employers take a closer look at your application.

3- It's funded (kind of)

When uni were advertising the year abroad options to us they really went hard on the funding. 'Oh it's all funded' 'There's an ERASMUS grant from the EU that'll cover you'. Since the year is part of your degree you do get funding from student finance for it. For me this is great, I get the maximum student loan so yes, I am able to live on that. Other people aren't so lucky. The ERASMUS grant from the EU doesn't really cover much. I have received half funding which means if I work for 8 months then I get 4 months worth of funding. It's a little help but really not much. Still, if you are lucky enough to receive full student loan then it might be possible for you to survive on just that while abroad.

4- I would get some real work experience 

It seems to be the one thing employers always want, 'experience'. I've had several jobs before and during uni and I was lucky enough to spend summer of second year in Malta on a placement but a little extra work experience always looks good, no matter what it's doing.

5- I would get to live in another country 

This was a big one for me. I was getting itchy feet and I wanted to get out and see places. Travelling is one thing but actually getting the opportunity to live and work in a whole new culture, that's an awesome opportunity!

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