Sunday 24 January 2016

Read Harder 2016 reading challenge.

So back at the start of the month I decided to commit to a reading challenge in order to get myself reading more. After a little research I stumbled upon . Just the name sounds pretty awesome if I'm honest. Their 2016 Read Harder challenge looked do able (more so than the PopSugar one, well done to anyone who tackles this!)

So here it is, 24 book related tasks to tackle in just 12 months. I prefer the flexibility that this challenge gives me. I think I'm just going to spend the first half of the year reading whatever I fancy and then fitting books into these categories as I go and then around July I might sit down and figure out what else I have to read to finish the challenge.

So far I've read one amazing book, The Hangmans daughter, highly recommended, I was gripped. However, I'm now slugging my way through the man in the high castle, I keep telling myself it will get better but to be honest I'm not really sure what's going on! Does it still count as me having read it if I give up and watch it on Amazon?

Are you taking any challenges this year? Good luck if you are!

Keep it Scrimpy,


  1. Love your book related posts Laura, any tips for starting a blog? xx

    1. Thanks :) Just go for it, make use of twitter, the blogging community is great, it takes a little time to work things out but as long as you are enjoying what you're doing people will read it.
