Thursday 4 February 2016

February goals.

I'm forever making to do lists, monthly weekly and daily lists. So I thought I would share my list of monthly goals on here, then at the end of the month I'll update you all on my progress. My thought is, if I share them with you guys, I'm more likely to actually do them, right?

So here they are.

Finish my report. At least a draft. 

Just like the dissertation.
We have to write a reflective report about our time here and it's due a month after the placement ends so I want it done by the end of the month so I've got a good amount of editing time.

Apply for a masters. Or three.

My personal statement was written last month so now it's time to get applying!

Relax and have fun. 

I'm going to get me some dog cuddles!
I've missed home, friends, family and animals and I can't wait to catch up with them all!

Get a haircut. 

It's been nearly eight months since I had a haircut. I'm in desperate need of one.

I'll report back at the end of the month and let you know how it all went!

Keep it Scrimpy,


  1. It'll be nice to catch up with your family, friends and pets and I'm sure you'll have a great time! Just think that by finishing your report, your reward will be to go home and spend sometime with those you love the most! Good luck! xx

    Whitney | Beauty Affair

    1. Thank you :) I've loved being home but I am missing the chickens a little bit now! X
