Wednesday 13 August 2014

A-level results day advice

So tomorrow is the big day and there's no more denying it. But there's no need to panic, here is my guide to surviving results day.

Avoid social media.
Especially the night before, just turn it off. Twitter especially will be rife with speculation over when track will be open and what the grade boundaries will be for that Politics exam and you just don't need that extra stress in your life right now, remember, no amount of worry will change your grades, they were decided a long time ago.

Get a good night sleep
Whatever happens tomorrow it's going to be a long day, as hard as it sounds try and sleep. Run yourself a bath, grab a book and relax. You're going to need a lot energy for tomorrow.

Set an alarm for 7.45am
Track is scheduled to go live at 8am. There's no point in getting up at 5 and hitting refresh for 3 hours, it's a waste of quality sleep time, get up just before it's due to go live, by the time you've woken up, had a brew and got your laptop ready, it'll be 8

Don't panic if track hasn't updated.
In my year track went live about 10 to 8 and my friends updated straight away but mine didn't, do not panic. This doesn't mean you haven't got in, track just takes a little time. Mine changed about 5 past 8, it'll get there just be patient and stay calm.

Know who to contact
Have phone numbers ready of your first choice and insurance, just incase you have any questions regarding your offer. There will be people at the end of the phone but be patient, it's a busy day for everyone. When you do get through, make sure you have your UCAS number ready, it makes everyone's life much easier. When I got my results my grades didn't match my offer (Track had already confirmed my place) so I was a little confused, a quick phone call to Bangor confirmed my place. Your college and 6th form are also here to help you as well, your teachers, tutors and your head of year will be on hand to support you if needed.

Be a good sport
Not everyone is going to get the grades they need, if it's one of your friends then be supportive of them, don't rub it in their face that you got in. If the worst happens and you don't get in then try and still be happy for your friends, it works two ways.

Good luck everyone!

Keep it Scrimpy,

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