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My 2015 - Cake, Cocktails, Books and Animals. |
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Hello 2016
Now I'm not really sure what 2016 will have in stall for me, I graduate in July and I'm off to see Harry Potter and The Cursed Child in September but really that's all I have set in stone at the moment. To be fair I'm quite happy to just wait and see what happens at the moment, I'm pretty content with life really.
So with no drastic changes planned for the year, my 2016 resolutions are a little smaller than usual, maybe this year I will actually manage to keep them!
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Goodbye 2015
Well with 2015 almost behind us I thought it was about time for me to review the year, and what a year it has been!
Quite frankly 2015 began in the worst possibly way, pooch died. It was the single most devastating thing I've ever experienced. It was all so fast and so sudden. I still miss her every day but she had a pretty good life
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Flying home for Christmas
I'm writing this post as I'm travelling home. I am so freaking excited! I haven't seen my mum and sister for nearly 6 months and yes. I have missed them. I've missed so many things, the queen's face on money, over priced gin and pub a quiz but most of all I've missed my friends and family.
Christmas is that time of year when I really make the effort to see friends and family. I love the little traditions we have like going to church, the chinese and then the pub on christmas eve. Getting woken up by my mum at 7am on Christmas Day and our games night Christmas Eve.
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I have to say, Rose and I so have rather fetching jumpers! |
Christmas is that time of year when I really make the effort to see friends and family. I love the little traditions we have like going to church, the chinese and then the pub on christmas eve. Getting woken up by my mum at 7am on Christmas Day and our games night Christmas Eve.
This year, for the second time I will be cooking Christmas dinner for my grandparents. I've come to appreciate my grandparents a lot more this past year. Certain events have made me realise that they won't be here forever and I should make the most of them while they're still here. Sounds a little morbid but it's true.
This Christmas I'm making an extra effort to spend time with my friends and family and I'm most excited to see my Aunty Pam and family. My cousin Lisa has the cutest kids ever and one of them has been asking me for ages to go and play Lego with her, how can I refuse!? So on Boxing Day I will be entertaining myself and a small child with Lego. I'm so excited!
So airport security just opened and I'm off to browse the duty free.
Merry Christmas!
Keep it Scrimpy
Friday, 11 December 2015
Making that budget stretch.
End of semester one is fast approaching and while that means it's almost time to go home for Christmas and enjoy a warm house and some proper food. End of the semester also brings some hefty expenses, Christmas presents and journeys home. At this time of year the bank balance can be getting a bit low for us students so when TransPennine Express got in touch and asked me to share this fun little info graphic of ways to make your money go further I couldn't really say no.

Keep it Scrimpy,
I have to say, I totally agree with getting a rail card! It's totally worth it if you travel a lot and will pay for itself in no time. One thing I didn't know is that the Co-op does student discount! How amazing is that?! If only there was one nearby. I also had no idea about google opinion rewards, I might give it a go, if I do I will let you know.
Keep it Scrimpy,
Monday, 30 November 2015
BEDN- Reflections
So we've finally come to the end of November and I can finally stop feeling guilty about not posting everyday. To be honest I've not done well in posting everyday but then again I don't really care.
Keep it Scrimpy,
I've learnt a lot about my blog and blogging style this month. I've experimented it topics that I would never cover usually and for those that I missed I have the titles saved and I'm keen to try them in the future. So really I haven't failed at this, I've learnt a lot, and I'll be making some tweaks In the future.
That's quite the success really.
Keep it Scrimpy,
Friday, 27 November 2015
BEDN- Buy nothing day.
Was this supposed to a challenge? If so I failed miserably!
Now I know some people really disagree with Black Friday and last year I wasn't really bothered but this year I'm stuck 1000 miles away from home, in the middle of the countryside. There aren't that many opportunities for Christmas shopping here. To make it worse, we don't get home until the 23rd of December and if anyone thinks I'm trudging round a shopping center that close to Christmas they have another thing coming! So this year I have been partaking in some bargain grabbing.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
BEDN- Friday night out.
I've not being doing well with this blog every day thing have I? Oh well, I've just enjoyed blogging more this month. Anyway, Firday was mine and Richard's Anniversary, he's put up with me for a whole 2 years bless him! We've had to put celebrating on hold for a few days but we are now in Vienna making up for it.
We did however escape the farm for a few hours to visit our favourite cafe for cocktails and ice cream!
What's your idea of a good night out?
Keep it Scrimpy,
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Just a woman.
Someone said to me today 'you're just a woman Laura'. I laughed it off at the time but it's been playing on my mind all day.
Monday, 16 November 2015
BEDN- Dear Jane and Chris
Today's prompt is Video. Well some of you may not know that since arriving here in the Czech Republic I've been giving vlogging a go and I have to say I've been really enjoying it!
Friday, 13 November 2015
BEDN- World kindness day
So after a few days off in back! I was being kind to myself and having a break (see what I did there?)
It's always nice to do something for someone you love so here is my top three.
Run them a bath (be sure to include bath-time snacks)
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
BEDN- FamIly
Ah, where would we be without family eh? We fight like cat and dog but we wouldn't be the same without them.
My parents are pretty awesome really, they've both always supported me in everything I've wanted to do in life, as long as what I'm doing makes me happy, then they are happy. My dad came to see me last month for a few days and I got to show him around the farm.
Sunday, 8 November 2015
BEDN- Self-care Sunday
Self-care is something that I've seen popping up more and more as of late. But honestly, it's not something I'm that good at. I spend my days off worrying about the horses or when I'm at home I find myself pointlessly stressing about tiny things and at uni a was just terrible for pushing myself too far and making myself ill. So I'm making a promise to myself now, with all of you here to hold me accountable.
How do you take the time to look after yourself?
Keep it Scrimpy,
I'm important and I need to look after myself.
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Sometimes it's okay to spend a morning in bed (or whole day) |
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I will do more spontaneous things that make me smile more, like riding a merry go round in London |
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I love my friends, seeing them all graduate was amazing. They make me happy so I will make more time for them. Cuppa anyone? |
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Finally, animals, dogs especially make me smile. There are no shortage of animals here on the farm but back home I like to steal Tash's dogs. I will be visiting at Christmas! |
Keep it Scrimpy,
Saturday, 7 November 2015
BEDN- Unusual hobbies- Planning
This post has taken a lot of pondering, my hobbies aren't exactly unusual, I read, blog, eat, ride horses and dabble in crafts, it's not exactly wing walking. I do however own a Filofax and I've been a member of the U.K. Planner Addicts Facebook group for the past year.
I think planning is one of those things people either get or don't. Loads of people have a diary every year but a planner to me is different. It's more about organising more than just your schedule. There are several sections that I have in my planner.
BEDN- Friday night in
Okay, so this is a day late and I'm very sorry but that does mean you all get two blog posts today!
Most nights are nights in for me now, we're in the middle of nowhere so indulging myself while staying in is something I'm getting used to. Here's how I do it.
Have a bath
This sounds proper cheesy but there's nothing I love more than relaxing in a warm bubble bath with some music on and just forgetting about all responsibility, even for just half an hour.
Catch up on TV shows
There's not much time for TV so we occasionally like to take and evening to shut out the rest of the world and catch up with Russel Howard's Good News, Casualty or if I'm in the mood for something cheesy, say yes to the dress. I've been known to combine this is having a bath. Also, I'm far too invested in Casualty at the moment, Zax are my top priority on a Saturday night, they have to get back together (I probably need to get out more)
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
BEDN- Photography (Autumn days)
Remember that song from primary school?
"Autumn days when the grass is jeweled and the silk inside a chestnut shell
Jet planes meeting in the air to be refueled, all these things I love so wellSo I must forget, no I must forget, to say a great big thank you no I must forget."
Well anyway, Autumn is here and it is beautiful
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Now Nico gets to help us pick up leaves as well as poop |
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Three months of farm life
Yup, it's been three months since Richard and I packed our bags and traded endless naps for early starts and lots of poop! Farm life has changed us already.
BEDN- Food glorious food!
Lets take a moment to talk about everyone's favourite subject, food. More specifically Cake. While I'm usually more of a savoury girl (I do love a cheese board) I have a soft spot for cake.
I'm not going to lie to anyone, I'm an emotional eater. When I'm stressed I eat very little but if I'm feeling down cake and ice cream help to cheer me up. This definitely became most apparently durning my first year of uni. Food was my comfort when I missed home. I'd cook 'homely' food and the retreat to my room with cake, Ben and Jerry's and Bridget Jones.
Monday, 2 November 2015
BEDN- Love Monday's
I suppose most people struggle with Monday's because they've just had the most awesome weekend. Well here we work weekends so Monday is just another day so I don't have any issues with it. The best thing about Monday's is that it's the day before Tuesday which is our day off. So really, Monday is our Friday and Wednesday is our Monday.
So this post should be called Wednesday love.
Sunday, 1 November 2015
BEDN - Random facts about me.
So the first day of blog every day in November and it's time for some new facts about me.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
BEDN- An introduction.
So this November I will be taking the blog every day in November challenge run by Elizabeth from Rosalilium , I did a similar challenge in May 2012 and really enjoyed it so I think it's about time I did it again. I hope you'll all enjoy it, there are a few titles that I'm a little unsure about but so many in really excited to write.
Keep it scrimpy,
Hope you enjoy the ride!
Keep it scrimpy,
Saturday, 17 October 2015
My 10 biggest mistakes of student living
Having lived out the 'proper' studenty bit of my time at uni I feel like should pass on some advice so here are my 10 biggest mistakes of student living.
I was so lucky at Bangor to experience free student clubs and societies so why the hell did I never try scuba diving!? I'm kicking myself now.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Studio Klang Headphone review and discount code*
So I've been in the Czech Republic for nearly two months now and I have to admit there are a few things that I brought with me that I haven't even looked at yet and probably never will. However there are also a few items that I am so glad that I have with me. One being my headphones.
Studio Klang, a Swedish company contacted me before I came out asking if I would like to try out their 'Earphones'. Now I'm the kind of girl who goes through like 3 pairs of poundland headphones a week. They would get thrown into the bottom of my bag and quickly broken, or lost forever. So I was toying with the idea of splashing out on some quality ones anyway, I mean they don't have a poundland here!
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
What I packed - Hand Luggage
I'm So we are now in the Czech Republic, we flew out here in the 24th July and we have loved every second of it. But before I rush into telling you all about our adventures I thought I would share with you what I packed and what I actually found useful in my hand luggage since I typically over pack!
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Us at Brno Airport, accompanied by a lot of luggage! |
Friday, 17 July 2015
Afternoon tea- Bank Corner, Alsager
Recently Richard and I have found ourselves enjoying more and more afternoon teas, we have either been gifted them from friends and family or just discovered them by chance, some have been very fancy, others a bit of a let down, but with prices to suit all budgets but we do love them!
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Flashgap - The Hangover inspired photo app*
So a few weeks ago I was introduced to a new app called Flashgap. Basically, as a group you take photos, they disappear into nothingness then at noon the next day, all hell is unleashed when the groups photos are released in one super awesome album.
The first time we used it was at the GeogSoc's summer ball, between the five of us we took 111 photos and we really enjoyed it, the photos walked us through the night, from getting ready to the next mornings hangovers. We all had a good laugh at the album and we found that we could upload the whole thing, or a select few, straight to Facebook pretty easily.
The first time we used it was at the GeogSoc's summer ball, between the five of us we took 111 photos and we really enjoyed it, the photos walked us through the night, from getting ready to the next mornings hangovers. We all had a good laugh at the album and we found that we could upload the whole thing, or a select few, straight to Facebook pretty easily.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Guest post-Top 10 Unusual University Degrees
When the International Association of Book-keepers got in touch and shared with me a list of the most unusual degrees out there I was keen to share them with you all. And while you, for some reason, still can't get a degree in Harry Potter studies, some of these degrees are pretty good!
It might surprise you to learn that some of the following courses are actually available to study at degree level, but even more so when you see that they actually promise high employment or further study rates after university and also just how enjoyable some of them look!
1. Digital and Social Media
o Offered at Leeds Trinity University
A degree in social media, aiming to develop an understanding of cultural, social, ethical and technological aspects of the industry as well as the significance and philosophical implications of social media. Perfect for those looking to seek a career in digital media, and a great extension on the learning for those who are already exceedingly familiar with Twitter and Facebook! With a promising 91% employment or further study rate after university, this course could lead to a very worthwhile degree!
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Guest Post- Tips for getting your deposit back
Like most students I'm not winding down for the year and packing my stuff away ready to leave university so when Lets Live Here who are based in Newcastle contacted me with some tips on how to ensure you all get your deposit back I was keen to share!
It’s the end of another year and you’re ready to move out of your flat. You’re packed up and then you’re out of there – ready for summer! Then the bomb drops – your landlord or letting agent isn’t giving back all of your deposit. You’re now out of pocket and angry.This is a problem many students and even young professionals encounter when renting property. Some student letting agents are notorious for taking away chunks of a deposit for the smallest of things. Here are some top tips to avoid losing out from Newcastle agency Lets live here.
Monday, 8 June 2015
A big announcement!
Firstly, I'm not pregnant, or engaged! I've kept this quite hushed for a while now but finally, it's all signed, sealed and official so I can announce my post uni plans to you all.
The education bit of my degree is over 100% defiantly over, after three years of lectures I've had enough and need a change so despite literally what I just said, Richard and I have extended our degrees by a year and transferred onto an international experience degree. From 24th July we will be heading to the Czech Republic for a year to work on an organic farm.
Huck who owns the farm, also has a couple of horses and I'm really excited to be getting back in the saddle and really working on my riding skills. I got some experience last week when I went to stay with my friend Jo who works on a horse yard, mucking out, riding and cleaning tack, which was really therapeutic once I worked out how to put it back together!
Also, Huck has sheep, which means lambs in the spring and frolicking lambs are literally the cutest things ever, spring will be amazing!
Flights and insurance are now booked I've started shopping and I'm so excited to go.
If anyone has links to any Czech blogs then please do share!
Keep it Scrimpy,
The education bit of my degree is over 100% defiantly over, after three years of lectures I've had enough and need a change so despite literally what I just said, Richard and I have extended our degrees by a year and transferred onto an international experience degree. From 24th July we will be heading to the Czech Republic for a year to work on an organic farm.
Huck who owns the farm, also has a couple of horses and I'm really excited to be getting back in the saddle and really working on my riding skills. I got some experience last week when I went to stay with my friend Jo who works on a horse yard, mucking out, riding and cleaning tack, which was really therapeutic once I worked out how to put it back together!
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'Can I have a sugar lump please?' |
Flights and insurance are now booked I've started shopping and I'm so excited to go.
If anyone has links to any Czech blogs then please do share!
Keep it Scrimpy,
Friday, 22 May 2015
May book haul.
I'm so excited for this post. It seems so long since I actually read a book for fun. I've spent so much of my time at university reading academic papers and they aren't exactly written by J.K Rowling! So now, lectures are done I've been on a few shopping sprees for books and I'm now well and truly addicted to reading again.
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This is pretty much all I do now exams are done, although on this occasion I have made the effort to get dressed. |
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
That time I handed in my dissertation.
Yup, I finally did it, I handed in my dissertation on Tuesday, whole 24 hours before the deadline. It has been quite the adventure but I have to say, I am so so glad that it is over now.
A-Z of me (Part 2)
So you've seen part one, here's the next bit!
My favourite place to eat in Bangor and best of all nothing on their menu has tomatoes in so it's all safe for me!
I have an app that gives me a motivational quote every day and it's a great start to the day.
He's rather wonderful and has been kind enough to put up with me for about a year and a half now.
A total state of awareness* and sushi, both are great.
*If anyone doesn't get that friends reference then we should be fiends.
I need one of these now, the end of third year is in sight and we are all getting tired. This time last year Richard and I were in Corfu and I love Greece it's the most beautiful country, the islands are so diverse and the people are amazing! Give me a Greek beach and some cocktails!
This one is witty, X X is 20 in roman numerals. I'm 20. It's the best I could come up with that wasn't X-ray !I spent my 20th birthday with an awesome bunch of people on the tiny island of Malta while doing a placement out there.
I've really enjoyed doing this, I hope you've all learnt something new!
Keep it Scrimpy,
My favourite place to eat in Bangor and best of all nothing on their menu has tomatoes in so it's all safe for me!
O- Organisation
I love being organised, a good to do list is my favourite, My newest addition to my organisation goodies is my filofax, I love it. I got a Black A5 Metropol and it's a dream, I wasn't a fan of the filofax inserts so I've made my own! Now I can't be without it, my whole life is in there,contacts, diary, blog and even a health section.
P- Procrastination
If only I could get a degree in procrastination! My favourite methods of procrastination is napping, second is making stuff for my filofax.
Q- Quotes
I have an app that gives me a motivational quote every day and it's a great start to the day.
R- Richard
S- Simba
The lion king is by far the best Disney film ever. When I was a kid I had a teddy of simba, sadly when my parents broke up and I moved out with my mum he went missing. I was totally devastated, I still am really. A few years ago I got myself a new one but it's just not the same.
T- Thoday
Thoday is the environment building here at Bangor and pretty much my second home, I'm here most days at the moment working.
U- Unagi!
*If anyone doesn't get that friends reference then we should be fiends.
V- Vacation
W- Washi tape
My new love, it's wonderful suff, kind of papery tape, it features strongly in my filofax but can also be used to decorate other things.This one is witty, X X is 20 in roman numerals. I'm 20. It's the best I could come up with that wasn't X-ray !I spent my 20th birthday with an awesome bunch of people on the tiny island of Malta while doing a placement out there.
Y- Ysbyty Gwynedd
I've spent too much time here in the past 12 months, I've been having various tests for stomach problems (probably related to that tomato intolerance) but the doctors are lovely and they even have free parking! And in case you are still wondering, Ysbyty Gwynedd is my local hospital.
Z- Zzzz
Napping is my favourite. Over the past few months my napping skills have had some serious improvement I can now nap at very short notice and at my desk. Can I put this on a CV?I've really enjoyed doing this, I hope you've all learnt something new!
Keep it Scrimpy,
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
FREE Souper Booster from Covent Garden!
We all love a freebie don't we? Well here's a good one for you.
Keep it Scrimpy,
- Head over to the Covent Garden website
- Stick one of there new Souper Boosters in your basket
- Head to the checkout and fill in your details
- Apply this discount code FSB415
- Get your Souper Booster delivered to your door totally free.
Credit: Covent Garden website |
I think you can wangle more than one if you use multiple email addresses and names, failing that use multiple addresses! So go forth and get your free Souper Booster!
Keep it Scrimpy,
Thank you to my sister who literally just text me telling me about this!
Sunday, 5 April 2015
A-Z of me (part 1)
I've seen this tag doing the rounds and I wanted to give it a go, it's been surprisingly hard to come up with 26 things about me my life and I but here we go...
A- Azkaban
I'm a massive harry potter fan and I just had to get it in somewhere
B- Bangor
The place I've called home for nearly three years now, it's kind of emotional to think my time here is nearly over
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Liverpool adventures
We arrived in Liverpool a little earlier than our check in time so we decided to visit one of the many free museums in Liverpool, sadly though it was half term and the place was full of kids! Although it was nice to see so many kids in a museum. On our adventure round the museum we saw some pretty cool stuff.
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So many little fishes! |
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Dinner and a Movie with hungry house*
When Hungry House got in touch and asked me to try their dinner and a movie deal to celebrate their 9th Birthday, I was seriously excited! Sadly they don't cover Bangor however a trip to Richard's house was the perfect opportunity to try them out. Disappointingly the website only had one place that would deliver to us in Uttoxeter so an Indian it was, on Chinese New Year.
Now I have to say, I loved the Hungry House website, it was easy to navigate, the menu was clear. If you aren't sure what something is they have a handy information button that tells you what is typically found in the dish which was good for me because I have no clue about Indian food and I fancied a change from the traditional korma
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Semester two, year three*.
So it's time for semester 2, it's mildly terrifying to think that this is my last semester but at the same time I'm feeling quite positive about it. I finally have some plans for next year and I'm beginning to think that it's all going to be okay, more on those post uni plans soon.
The big clean
I like to get a big clean done in January, partly because our Landlady is trying to get tenants in the house for next year and partly because I like the, idea of everything being fresh and ready for semester two.
My floor cleaner of choice is usually a mix of bleach and antiseptic*, the smell is amazing! I love cleaning wipes*, they are great for quickly dealing with spills.
The big clean
I like to get a big clean done in January, partly because our Landlady is trying to get tenants in the house for next year and partly because I like the, idea of everything being fresh and ready for semester two.
My floor cleaner of choice is usually a mix of bleach and antiseptic*, the smell is amazing! I love cleaning wipes*, they are great for quickly dealing with spills.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Lucky by name, lucky by nature.
On the 21st of January I woke up to some devastating news, my best friend, companion and partner in crime was dying. I woke up at 7 and by 8 she had died and that afternoon she was buried in the garden where she can play to her hearts content. I was totally heartbroken, I still am, writing this post now is hard but I wanted to dedicate a post to her and all the fun we had. So Lucky, here's to you, the best pooch there ever was.
Keep it Scrimpy,
A frequent visitor to the pub, I never realised how popular she was!
She was always happy to give cuddles, even if she had to be bribed with a toy occasionally!
She loved the water,as soon as she would see a pond she'd be straight in.
Her favourite window perch seems empty now but at least we can now have flowers in the window!
Although come winter, she was all about the woolly jumper! Yes, that is my jumper she's rocking.
Snow was another novelty, she used to get confused about snowballs,try to catch them, then end up eating them.
My mum hated it when we bought her a squeaky toy, she used to go mental with them.
Lucky unwrapping her Christmas presents was fun to watch, not sure how she felt about being wrapped up herself though.
It's been a little over a week now and I desperately miss her, she's been so many things to so many people over the years. I think worst of all the house just seems too quiet without her. There's no more barking when the post is delivered and that's just weird. Eventually we will get used to not having her around, it's not going to be easy but I'm sure we will get there.
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Keep it Scrimpy,
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