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This is pretty much all I do now exams are done, although on this occasion I have made the effort to get dressed. |
So the first book I plodded through was Carrie Fletcher's 'All I know now'. While I'm probably older than her target audience I enjoyed the chance to look back on my time as a teenager and reflect a little, and it's nice to know that someone else went through some similar crap to me, the teenage years were awful.
Anyway, so far I've only read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' and OH MY DAYS it was amazing, I couldn't put it down, I finished it in three days, it would have been sooner but Richard was rationing my reading while we still had exams. I don't want to say too much, spoilers and all that but it's about a young Afghan girl who is sent away to marry a much much older man, later on this man decided he wants a second wife, the first wife doesn't like the second at first but eventually through some horrible events they grow closer. That synopsis really did nothing for the book. Basically you just have to read it, it'e emotional, heartbreaking and taught me a lot about a part of the world and a culture I don't really know a lot about.
Richard is currently reading 'The Bees' and enjoying it by all accounts, set in a bee hive and based around the life of a bee called Flora 717 it's got me really curious and I'm keen to read it!
My second haul, I was a little more reserved and picked five at only £1 each in a charity shop I couldn't say no! I'm not usually one for a soppy love book but since literally everyone raves about 'The fault in our stars' I thought I should give it a go. I finished it last night and I have to say I was a little underwhelmed it's just a nice book about two kids with cancer falling in love, all the way through I was waiting for the sad bit where I would be pouring my eyes out but it didn't really come.
I'm now reading 'Just what kind of mother are you?' and I have to say Five chapters in I'm impressed, it's about a busy mum who is so busy that she forgets she is supposed to be looking after her friends daughter and she's gone missing. I feel a lot is going to go down in this book and I hope I will be gripped, it's started well, I'll let you know how it ends.
I also picked up a series called must try harder from WHSmiths, they're short books but made me giggle a lot. There's Geography, History, English and Science versions and at only £2 each I had to get the whole set. They're full of kids silly, yet very real answers to school tests and they put a smile on my face while I was revising and made a nice change from my other books.
Wow that's a lot of books in a month but I can't wait to get stuck into them, feel free to leave me some recommendations.
I highly recommend the The Requiem Of Night by M.C Maw