Sunday, 8 December 2013
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Christmas is well and truly here in Bangor, as a student the run up to the holidays also means a very scary count down to essay deadlines. Obviously we used all out time very productively and had no late nights at all!
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
A not so quiet night in...
As students we're famous for our wild nights out although it's not all pub trips and crazy clubs. Nights in are a great way to save you and your friends a few precious pennies, also it's getting to the point where it's far too cold to go out! So last week we had a record 2 nights instead of going out (that doesn't mean we went out the other 5). On Thursday we had a curry night in place of a cheeky takeaway then on Friday we all gathered at Jane's to watch children in need staring...MCBUSTED!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Scrimpy Scrabble Magnets
I've been meaning to share this with you for a while but it's been a crazy few weeks! Hopefully now I'll be able to pull myself together and get back to blogging!
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Food for thought - Malala Yousafzai
If you don't know who Malala is then you've probably been living under a rock.
Malala was shot in the head by members of the Taliban in October 2012 aged 15. She was shot because she believed that girls in Pakistan have a right to an education. Luckily she survived this horrible ordeal and she hasn't been silenced since her recovery she has spoken and countless conferences as an advocate for women's rights.
Malala was shot in the head by members of the Taliban in October 2012 aged 15. She was shot because she believed that girls in Pakistan have a right to an education. Luckily she survived this horrible ordeal and she hasn't been silenced since her recovery she has spoken and countless conferences as an advocate for women's rights.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Food for thought - University cleaners.
Welcome to my newest little set of posts, basically I've been reading a few interesting articles recently and I've really wanted to share them with you, so every now and again I'll be popping one on here for you.
For today we have...
Personally I'm not a massive fan of how the media depict students but this article did get me thinking about the cleaners I see, or even don't see around Bangor. When we were In halls I never really saw much of our cleaners although I always made the effort to speak to them if I saw them, the guy who came and emptied our bins was lovely! Anyway I digress, have a read and feel free to let me know what you think.
Keep it scrimpy
For today we have...
Freshers' week fun? Not for the university cleaners
Keep it scrimpy
Friday, 20 September 2013
10 Things to expect from freshers week
So freshers week is looming for some of you it's already here. Here is my list of what to expect for freshers.
- Freshers Fair-
- Free stuff-Freshers fairs are great, they give you loads of free stuff, you will never have to buy pens again!
- Those four questions- Name-Course-Where you're from-where you are staying. You will be constantly asked those questions. It doesn't really ever stop either, just becomes less frequent post freshers week
- Fire Alarms- Just don't bother even attempting cooking at 3am, just get a takeaway

Monday, 9 September 2013
What to take to Uni
It's been so long since I last blogged and here are my excuses...
- I had no laptop for a while
- I moved into my new student house and we have no
It's all so sad.
I'm back home for a few days now so I at last have internet! *Does a little dance*
congratulations to everyone who got into uni this year, you have an amazing
year ahead of you. I thought I would take this time to share with you my list
of things you should be taking (and some you shouldn't) to uni with you.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Money Saving Tip #5 - Money saving apps
Remember this cheeky series? It's been a while since I posted one of these, I felt like I needed a little break from it all.
Anyone who knows me knows my phone is never really that far away and since saving money is a way of life my phone has more than it's fair share of apps to help me with that. So here they are!
Anyone who knows me knows my phone is never really that far away and since saving money is a way of life my phone has more than it's fair share of apps to help me with that. So here they are!
I love my Aldi app it keeps me up-to date with all of Aldi's special buys week by week, the great thing with this app is that it gives you special buys three weeks in advance so I can adjust my budget around what I need.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Pre-Freshers worries
I've been in contact with a few different groups of would be freshers for a few months now and I'm beginning to find that there are some questions and worries that keep cropping up over and over again. So I've finally been persuaded to write a post about it all.
Just to help I've dragged Al into helping me with this one! Feel free to share your own thoughts as well!
Missing family and friends back home
Al says: I could not wait to get away to be honest. But when I got to Uni there were times when I did miss home comforts and family. The best thing to do is keep yourself occupied. Whether that be getting a part time job or joining societies ( I would recommend the latter for 1st semester if not 1st year). There is so much more to Uni than lecturers so grab every opportunity and really chuck yourself in. If you fill your time you won't have time to miss family! Just remember though they are only ever a phone call away
Laura says: Homesickness can be really hard, for me I was fine until week six which was reading week and everyone in my flat had gone home so I was on my own, it hit me really hard but luckily I had some really good friends who could see I was in a bit of trouble and were more than happy to help me out in the form of cookies and ice cream. Make sure you keep in contact with family back home, skype is great, surround yourself with good friends and keep yourself busy, just don't go all of freshers without sending a text home or your parents might get a little worried. See my post about home sickness here.
Just to help I've dragged Al into helping me with this one! Feel free to share your own thoughts as well!
Missing family and friends back home
Al says: I could not wait to get away to be honest. But when I got to Uni there were times when I did miss home comforts and family. The best thing to do is keep yourself occupied. Whether that be getting a part time job or joining societies ( I would recommend the latter for 1st semester if not 1st year). There is so much more to Uni than lecturers so grab every opportunity and really chuck yourself in. If you fill your time you won't have time to miss family! Just remember though they are only ever a phone call away
Laura says: Homesickness can be really hard, for me I was fine until week six which was reading week and everyone in my flat had gone home so I was on my own, it hit me really hard but luckily I had some really good friends who could see I was in a bit of trouble and were more than happy to help me out in the form of cookies and ice cream. Make sure you keep in contact with family back home, skype is great, surround yourself with good friends and keep yourself busy, just don't go all of freshers without sending a text home or your parents might get a little worried. See my post about home sickness here.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Budget Bucket list
Money super market are running a budget bucket list competition so right at the last minute in jumping on the bandwagon and entering. Basically this is a chance for all of us bloggers and internet lovers to share those little things we want to do before we, well... kick the bucket.
Now my problem with bucket lists are that they usually cost a heck of a lot! So here is my take on a bucket list.
Now my problem with bucket lists are that they usually cost a heck of a lot! So here is my take on a bucket list.
The budget list
Watch the sun set from Bangor Pier then spend the evening on the beach round a campfire.
The problem with this one is I'm quite anti camping, I like my luxuries in life, maybe one day the right person will come along and persuade me. Plus deep down I'm an old romantic.
Climb Snowdon
This will probably be done next year to be fair, and I promise I wouldn't even get the train.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
London baby!
Remember that summer to do list I wrote? Well I finally got round do ticking a few things off. We went to LONDON BABY!!
On Tuesday Miss Rhead and I hopped onto the train and headed down to London for a day of touristy crap and shopping.
It was beautiful weather all day. We both enjoyed this bubble man a little too much.
Friday, 5 July 2013
Summer so far- Sunshine, friends and a 2.1
Bloody hell it's July already!
So today Bangor finally released our results for the year and it turns out I got myself a 2.1 for my first year and fair to say I'm really proud of myself, although there shall be no celebrations for me tonight as I'm off to work from 8-12.
Summer so far has been lovely, as much as I do miss Bangor it has been lovely to get home and relax, I've caught up with old friends and taken some time out with uni friends. Here is my summer so far in photos.
So today Bangor finally released our results for the year and it turns out I got myself a 2.1 for my first year and fair to say I'm really proud of myself, although there shall be no celebrations for me tonight as I'm off to work from 8-12.
Summer so far has been lovely, as much as I do miss Bangor it has been lovely to get home and relax, I've caught up with old friends and taken some time out with uni friends. Here is my summer so far in photos.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Bangor- Year One.
Well I'm finally back home after a crazy 39 weeks at uni, even though my exams finished nearly a month ago I wanted to save this post until I got home for summer.
This year has been a whirlwind to say the least, I arrived in September a little nervous but totally ready to finally leave home. My only regrets from this year are from freshers week, as much as I did throw myself into various activities I chose to stick with my flat rather than get involved with Senrgy activities and as a result it took me a little longer to find friends on my course.
Flat living was a bit of love hate, to most people it's common knowledge that I have never really seen eye to eye with most of my flat mates. One thing I have learnt is that people have very different ideas of what is clean. On the other hand I have loved living away from home and the independence that came along with it.
This year has been a whirlwind to say the least, I arrived in September a little nervous but totally ready to finally leave home. My only regrets from this year are from freshers week, as much as I did throw myself into various activities I chose to stick with my flat rather than get involved with Senrgy activities and as a result it took me a little longer to find friends on my course.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Confessions of exam season
Well wasn't May a little bit crazy? Normal blogging services will now resume. Today's confessions relate to my procrastination during my exams. Since my exams are now over I feel no guilt whatsoever in sharing my procrastination methods with you.
I found that my procrastination was split into two catogries, activities that in no way related to geography and then those that I endlessly tried to kid myself are somehow related to geography and are therefor classed as revision.
Things in no way related to revision
Oh cat videos and F.R.I.E.N.D.S clips, I watched 2 hours of friends Phoebe's greatest moments once.
The biggest distraction ever, everyone at home seemed to be out enjoying the nice weather, my mum was out shopping and my sister was having classy nights out at the theater. Then there was me, eating chocolate biscuits in my pjamas.
I found that my procrastination was split into two catogries, activities that in no way related to geography and then those that I endlessly tried to kid myself are somehow related to geography and are therefor classed as revision.
Things in no way related to revision
Oh cat videos and F.R.I.E.N.D.S clips, I watched 2 hours of friends Phoebe's greatest moments once.
The biggest distraction ever, everyone at home seemed to be out enjoying the nice weather, my mum was out shopping and my sister was having classy nights out at the theater. Then there was me, eating chocolate biscuits in my pjamas.
Friday, 31 May 2013
#BEDM - One Whole Month
A whole 31 days ago I set out to blog everyday in may and I'm proud to say I have. From a whole post about my dog to letters to my 13 year old self, I've really enjoyed the challenge. A massive thank-you to Elizabeth over at Rosalilium for setting up the challenge and working so hard.
Keep it scrimpy
May hasn't been an easy month, with revision and exams I've been a little stressed and ever since my exams finished I've been ill. Although all that aside I'm really proud of everything I have achieved this month, I've blogged and finished my first year of uni and I'm still standing! Go me!
Regular blogging services shall resume next month, I have some great posts planned for you all so stay tuned!
Keep it scrimpy
Thursday, 30 May 2013
#BEDM - Who Inspires You?
I've been contemplating this post all month, I already have a post about the women who inspire me in life so I thought I'd do a post about the men who have inspired me throughout my life and although the list is considerably shorter here it is...
Teachers- I never really had male teachers through out primary school and in high school it took until sixth form until I was truly inspired by these guys.
Mr Burton - My Alevel geography teacher, I loved his enthusiasm and his teaching style. He always embraced my enthusiasm for the subject and tirelessly marked an endless amount of essays for my during revision. He also put up with a few of my emotional wobbles and I'm always grateful to anyone who puts up with that.
Mr Lloyd - My Alevel biology teacher, I found his dedication to the job quite amazing, after some health problems we all thought we would have to say bye to his as our teacher but he came bouncing back and as far as I know he's still there teaching now. Plus we cooked bacon in the science labs once, it was amazing, not too sure what health and safety would have said about it though
Teachers- I never really had male teachers through out primary school and in high school it took until sixth form until I was truly inspired by these guys.
Mr Burton - My Alevel geography teacher, I loved his enthusiasm and his teaching style. He always embraced my enthusiasm for the subject and tirelessly marked an endless amount of essays for my during revision. He also put up with a few of my emotional wobbles and I'm always grateful to anyone who puts up with that.
Mr Lloyd - My Alevel biology teacher, I found his dedication to the job quite amazing, after some health problems we all thought we would have to say bye to his as our teacher but he came bouncing back and as far as I know he's still there teaching now. Plus we cooked bacon in the science labs once, it was amazing, not too sure what health and safety would have said about it though
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
#BEDM - Morning Ritual
So every morning at 6am I jump out of bed fresh as a daisy throw on my running clothes and run 5k. I then return for cooling shower and a healthy breakfast of fruit and muesli before gliding through my delightful day with a smile on my face.
Okay, so where did I lose you? For people who know me I'm guessing it was somewhere around morning. I couldn't run 5k if my life depended on it. As for bloody muesli give me a bacon butty any day!
I don't have a morning routine as such, since I don't really have a structured timetable as such I find it really hard to get into a routine. I currently don't have exams, lectures or work so I'm planning a couple of lazy days where morning shall not be seen.
So on a 'average' day (one where I have a lecture somewhere between 9-12). When I wake up I tend to down a heck of a lot of water then hit the snooze button a few too many times before rushing off to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my business. Depending on how late I am I may or may not have breakfast, usually I have fuck all in anyway so grab something a little later on. Then that's it, I get dressed and go out. No faffing around with makeup I very rarely wear make up in the day. I can go from asleep to arriving at my lecture in 20mins.
So there you have it, no 5k run, just a bacon butty and a grumpy 18 year old.
Keep it scrimpy
Okay, so where did I lose you? For people who know me I'm guessing it was somewhere around morning. I couldn't run 5k if my life depended on it. As for bloody muesli give me a bacon butty any day!
I don't have a morning routine as such, since I don't really have a structured timetable as such I find it really hard to get into a routine. I currently don't have exams, lectures or work so I'm planning a couple of lazy days where morning shall not be seen.
So on a 'average' day (one where I have a lecture somewhere between 9-12). When I wake up I tend to down a heck of a lot of water then hit the snooze button a few too many times before rushing off to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my business. Depending on how late I am I may or may not have breakfast, usually I have fuck all in anyway so grab something a little later on. Then that's it, I get dressed and go out. No faffing around with makeup I very rarely wear make up in the day. I can go from asleep to arriving at my lecture in 20mins.
So there you have it, no 5k run, just a bacon butty and a grumpy 18 year old.
Keep it scrimpy
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
#BEDM - Bad advice
Okay, so today I'm supposed to discuss the worst piece of advice I have ever been given but quite frankly I can't think of any. I'm sure there have been times when I've followed someones advice and the situation hasn't quite worked out as I planned it in my little head. Usually it's my own advice I should be weary of especially when it comes to my love life, I should never follow my own advice there. Vicky is my love life adviser, I should listen to her more often, looking back she's been right about all of my ex's.
Anyway, my disastrous love life aside.
The only bad advice I can even think of, and it isn't really advice, more of a phrase; and in some cases it isn't even bad...
This never actually results in just having one. It usually results in a full night out and me making a total arse out of myself at The Greek. Although at the same time this one little, very dangerous phrase has resulted in some of the best nights out I have ever had.
Feel free to share some actual bad advice so we don't all make the same mistakes you did.
Keep it scrimpy
Anyway, my disastrous love life aside.
The only bad advice I can even think of, and it isn't really advice, more of a phrase; and in some cases it isn't even bad...
"Lets go to the pub for one"
(or any variation upon that)
This never actually results in just having one. It usually results in a full night out and me making a total arse out of myself at The Greek. Although at the same time this one little, very dangerous phrase has resulted in some of the best nights out I have ever had.
Feel free to share some actual bad advice so we don't all make the same mistakes you did.
Keep it scrimpy
Monday, 27 May 2013
#BEDM - Secret Talent
So what can I do that not many of you guys know I can do? Well with a blog most of my talents are the focus of posts. I've mentioned my thrifty crafts before and I will be featuring some over summer but a talent I do have which not that many people know about is that I can knit.
Oh yes, deep down I actually old.
I've been able to knit for a few years now, I made a scarf with the help of my mother while I was in high school, I still wear it today. My interest in knitting trailed off for a few years after the scarf mainly because it was seen as so uncool and old. When I started my thrifty crafting while I was in sixth form I gave knitting another go, I pretty much had to reteach myself but I picked it up again easy enough.
I don't really knit anything complicated, one of my missions for the summer is to master knitting patterns, for now I knit simple things like scarves and blankets, nothing too complex.
I shall share some of my creations one day, maybe even a tutorial, we shall see.
Oh yes, deep down I actually old.
I've been able to knit for a few years now, I made a scarf with the help of my mother while I was in high school, I still wear it today. My interest in knitting trailed off for a few years after the scarf mainly because it was seen as so uncool and old. When I started my thrifty crafting while I was in sixth form I gave knitting another go, I pretty much had to reteach myself but I picked it up again easy enough.
I don't really knit anything complicated, one of my missions for the summer is to master knitting patterns, for now I knit simple things like scarves and blankets, nothing too complex.
I shall share some of my creations one day, maybe even a tutorial, we shall see.
Keep it scrimpy
#BEDM - Fantasy Dinner Party
So my dream dinner party would actually be a BBQ on the beach, on a really nice warm sunny day I couldn't think of anything better! I'd have it in Wales somewhere, maybe over on Anglesey somewhere.
Ron, Hermione and Luna - My own golden trio, Ron would be the eye candy of the evening Hermione would be super interesting to talk to and think how organised my revision time table would be with her help! Luna would be just amazing, she could even help decorate.
Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall- Just because they would be awesome and think of the stories!
The Obama's - The whole family, why not? The more the merrier.
Alexander von Humboldt- A very famous geographer, did loads of work on biogeography, by that I mean kind of came up with it. He's a geographer and as such he should have a kick ass beard, but there are always exceptions to a rule. He also has a penguin named after him!
Margret Thatcher- This is where things get political. I just think she would be a really interesting person to talk to.
Mr Wishart - I think he would like to meet Thatcher
Jess Livingstone - Just because she would provide some entertainment for the evening. The Jess Wishy Thatcher area would be very interesting indeed!
I really want a BBQ on the beach now, shame I'm not in Bangor at the moment.
See! Serious lack of beard. |
Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall- Just because they would be awesome and think of the stories!
The Obama's - The whole family, why not? The more the merrier.
Alexander von Humboldt- A very famous geographer, did loads of work on biogeography, by that I mean kind of came up with it. He's a geographer and as such he should have a kick ass beard, but there are always exceptions to a rule. He also has a penguin named after him!
Margret Thatcher- This is where things get political. I just think she would be a really interesting person to talk to.
Mr Wishart - I think he would like to meet Thatcher
Jess Livingstone - Just because she would provide some entertainment for the evening. The Jess Wishy Thatcher area would be very interesting indeed!
Well considering we are on a beach I'd take a few bits and bobs. Kites are always fun no matter what your age, although I can't picture Thatcher flying a kite.Food
I'd have Wishy and Obama manning the BBQ for us all, the usual sausages and burgers although I do like corn on the cob done on a BBQ, oh and veggie stuff for Jess.Music
Someone bring a guitar and we can sing around the campfire as the sun goes down!I really want a BBQ on the beach now, shame I'm not in Bangor at the moment.
Keep it Scrimpy
Sunday, 26 May 2013
#BEDM- Music Love
Well I don't really listen to albums as such, I'm more the kind of person who whacks on the radio and listens to what they are told to or someone who listens to the same song about 50 times on YouTube. So rather than share my top 5 albums like I'm supposed to I'm just going to babble on about what I have been listening to as of late.
Signal 1
My local radio station, I love it, a few too many adverts but they all remind me of home so it's fine. Perry and Louise Breakfast show is what I used to listen to before school and in the past few weeks has kept me awake on the few occasions when I have been up early revising. I have always listened to the radio when revising and signal 1 play a right good mix, every now and again they throw an oldie in the mix, I love it!
Glee- My guilty pleasure
I seriously loves glee, then some bastard moved it over to sky. Ever since then I've just had to roughly keep up with the story line and enjoy the songs, some a little too much. Here are my picks
Keep it scrimpy
Signal 1
My local radio station, I love it, a few too many adverts but they all remind me of home so it's fine. Perry and Louise Breakfast show is what I used to listen to before school and in the past few weeks has kept me awake on the few occasions when I have been up early revising. I have always listened to the radio when revising and signal 1 play a right good mix, every now and again they throw an oldie in the mix, I love it!
Glee- My guilty pleasure
I seriously loves glee, then some bastard moved it over to sky. Ever since then I've just had to roughly keep up with the story line and enjoy the songs, some a little too much. Here are my picks
Go your own way
Before you all judge me too much I think we should move on from the glee songs, although it doesn't get much better from here.
I love this song, I'm not even sure where I first heard it but it's always just kind of been there.
Alex and I have an amazing dance to this, if you have ever been subjected to it, I'm very sorry.
Finally, last one I promise, I LOVE every single song on the Mamma Mia sound track, but seriously, who couldn't!? There is a song for every occasion right there, if I had to listen to one album for the rest of my life this would be it.
Although this is my fave
I hope you haven't judged me too much for this!
Keep it scrimpy
Saturday, 25 May 2013
#BEDM - What's in my fridge?
Well in all honesty not that much really...
While this may look a lot it isn't all mine. My shelf is the second one down and the left hand side of that shelf.although I'm spilling over into other parts of the fridge at the moment.
I currently have...
Elsewhere in the fridge I have some eggs and butter, I'm not really sure where they are though.
The door of the fridge is kind on no mans land. It contains communal milk and various juices and fizzy drinks
Well I'm sorry I don't have a very exciting fridge. Also these photos was taken post party so there is a lack of alcohol in there.
Keep it scrimpy
Friday, 24 May 2013
#BEDM - Compliments
I'm very much an academically minded person so for me the biggest compliments come when someone recognizes the effort and dedication I put into a piece of work.
By far the best compliment I have had was my GCSE results I worked damn hard for those two A's and finally that hard work had paid off and I was so proud.
Don't get me wrong it's lovely when people tell me I have nice legs or I'm really pretty (Thanks Malsha) but I'm just so focused on my education it's nice to know that people do actually see all the hard work I put in.
Anyway, it's been a very mixed day and I should probably sleep, I'm really sorry for the awfully short and very text based blog posts recently, I shall make a note to improve!.
Keep it scrimpy
By far the best compliment I have had was my GCSE results I worked damn hard for those two A's and finally that hard work had paid off and I was so proud.
Don't get me wrong it's lovely when people tell me I have nice legs or I'm really pretty (Thanks Malsha) but I'm just so focused on my education it's nice to know that people do actually see all the hard work I put in.
Anyway, it's been a very mixed day and I should probably sleep, I'm really sorry for the awfully short and very text based blog posts recently, I shall make a note to improve!.
Keep it scrimpy
Thursday, 23 May 2013
#BEDM A letter to my 13 year old self.
Dear 13 year old self,
The next few years are going to be tough. Noticed Mum and Dad arguing again? Yea, this time they do get that divorce. Follow your heart, don't feel like you are being pressured into anything, they have your best interests at heart. When in doubt Lucky will always be there for you.
You are heading full speed into year 9 now , academically this is a good year for you although English won't be much fun this year but stick with it your GCSE's will be amazing. You are about to meet Mrs Brookshaw, your new form tutor. She is fantastic, just dont get on the wrong side of her, she might be small but boy can she shout. Jokes aside she will be your first port of call when things get rough at home, and be warned they will, don't be afraid to go and ask for help, it's not a sign a weakness. You don't have to do this on your own.
Keep fighting, it might not seem like it now but things do get better.
All my love,
The next few years are going to be tough. Noticed Mum and Dad arguing again? Yea, this time they do get that divorce. Follow your heart, don't feel like you are being pressured into anything, they have your best interests at heart. When in doubt Lucky will always be there for you.
You are heading full speed into year 9 now , academically this is a good year for you although English won't be much fun this year but stick with it your GCSE's will be amazing. You are about to meet Mrs Brookshaw, your new form tutor. She is fantastic, just dont get on the wrong side of her, she might be small but boy can she shout. Jokes aside she will be your first port of call when things get rough at home, and be warned they will, don't be afraid to go and ask for help, it's not a sign a weakness. You don't have to do this on your own.
Keep fighting, it might not seem like it now but things do get better.
All my love,
Your 18 year old self.
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
#BEDM- Dream Job
My dream job has been the same ever since I sat my GCSEs I want to teach, more than that I want to inspire. Geography is my passion so I really wouldn't want to do any else but teach it although it would be nice to be able to teach somewhere warm.
I'm not really the kind of person who could have a 9-5 desk job, I'd do it if I had to but I like the variation that teaching brings. I currently work in a pub and while I do love my job I can't see myself working there forever.
I want to inspire young people like I was inspired, geography is a beautiful subject and I want to share that with the world (oh dear I am a soppy git as of late).
Here is my GCSE geography class. Don't we look like an inspired bunch of people?
What you your dream job be?
Keep it scrimpy
Monday, 20 May 2013
#BEDM - News Flash
For this post entitled newsflash I could have and almost did have a massive rant about the equal marriage bill currently crawling through parliament but it would be a very short post because love is love and marriage should be based on love. Gender shouldn't matter.
Instead I decided to look for a more uplifting story that would perk up this very long day.
Now we all know how much I love my dog so when I heard this I couldn't resist.
You can check out the full article here
Keep it scrimpy
Instead I decided to look for a more uplifting story that would perk up this very long day.
Now we all know how much I love my dog so when I heard this I couldn't resist.
Everyone meet Zues and his owner Joseph Sebastian. Zues is a 15 year old pooch who is almost entirely deaf and blind.
As a last hoorah for Zues Joseph is taking him on a last big walkies (well cycle) around Australia, since 2011 the pair have been traveling meeting new people and sharing their story
"I don't want Zeus to just die, he has cared for me more than I have cared for him."
You can check out the full article here
Keep it scrimpy
Sunday, 19 May 2013
#BEDM - Traditions
Like most of the posts I've read on this topic today, my tradition is food related. For me this is the tradition I miss most. In our house this died out years ago, every now and again when we are feeling nostalgic and we have the house to ourselves the Mother and I indulge ourselves.
Every Saturday night me and my mum used to snuggle up on the sofa with several trays of cheese, crackers, pickles, salad and veggie sticks. This weekly ritual was our quality time together, we would snuggle up and watch casualty eventually, over the years the dog joined us and we were a trio.
The sad thing about this tradition dying out was that it also meant I was growing up, having friends over for sleepovers or staying at their houses. I think the killer blow for this was when I got my first job.
I know this has been very short and sweet but please forgive me I do have an exam tomorrow and I need some sleeps. Night all!
Keep it scrimpy
Every Saturday night me and my mum used to snuggle up on the sofa with several trays of cheese, crackers, pickles, salad and veggie sticks. This weekly ritual was our quality time together, we would snuggle up and watch casualty eventually, over the years the dog joined us and we were a trio.
Cheeseboards usually outshone my pathetic attempt.
The sad thing about this tradition dying out was that it also meant I was growing up, having friends over for sleepovers or staying at their houses. I think the killer blow for this was when I got my first job.
I know this has been very short and sweet but please forgive me I do have an exam tomorrow and I need some sleeps. Night all!
Keep it scrimpy
Saturday, 18 May 2013
#BEDM - Best Friends
This is another one of those posts that I have been kind of dreading. I really dislike the term 'best friend' I feel like I'm picking favorites so I'm going to give you all a quick round up of my closest friends. To be fair I was going do this post exclusively about my dog but then I remembered that I do actually have friends.
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This is Jane and Chris who kind of come as a pair, both of them are awesome geography buddies, both partial to a cheeky quad-vod or two in Paddy's
This is Richard who is very lovely indeed, he's also on my course at uni and likes cool stuff like planes and occasionally trains. He's seriously brilliant.
Rose is so lovely and has a great taste in christmas jumpers!
Giselle is my kick ass awesome flatmate, she makes a great cuppa and loves cake almost as much as me!
Tash is like my sister, I might not see her as often as I would like but she kicks ass and I love her
Jon, he is an electrician and general odd job man. We go on cool road trips and stuff.
I have known Vicky for ever, we have been in education together since nursery and now we both go to Bangor!
Andrew Hubbert also know as just Hubbert is like my gay best friend, only he isn't gay, so ladies please form an orderly queue! (also Hub, I'm sorry I used such on old photo)
I've known Jo since nursery and while she never came to 6th form with me we have always remained close. I'm not too sure how we became friends she was always very quite and shy and I...well I wasn't. She's my Harry Potter buddy, when the last book came out we both spent two days in bed reading.
My dog, I couldn't really not include her in this.
And last but no means least, Miss Alex Rhead , she's like my little sister, I love her to bits. She is currently kicking ass at her exams ready to go to uni in September, I'm so proud of her.
I hope everyone enjoyed meeting some of my friends, all of my friends are brilliant and I love them all.
Keep it scrimpy
#BEDM - My walk to work...
Well today's theme isn't exactly doing me any favors.
I'm a student who should have spent the day revising but instead the highlight of my day was an afternoon revision break in the pub. I'm saying revision break but you cant take a break from revising if you never started in the first place....
Keep it scrimpy
I'm a student who should have spent the day revising but instead the highlight of my day was an afternoon revision break in the pub. I'm saying revision break but you cant take a break from revising if you never started in the first place....
The view from spoons was alright I suppose.
Another highlight of my day was going to the post office to post a card to Tash who is a youthful 22 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASH!
Yea, today has been a drag, I'm off to sleep in the hope that more revision can be done tomorrow, here is to hoping.
Keep it scrimpy
Thursday, 16 May 2013
#BEDM Pampering
I really haven't had much time to pamper myself recently but once these exams are over I'm having some quality me time.
On my kind of budget I can't really afford massive pamper days and spa breaks, I even find expensive face masks a waste of money so here are my favourite cheap and easy ways of pampering yourself.
Reading a book- I can't wait for summer when I can read nothing but trashy literature, I'm taking at least a few weeks break from academic papers. Make use of your local library to save some pennies or if you have a kindle there are loads of freebies out there.
Egg hair mask- stick with me on this one, I've read you are supposed to just use the yolk but I can never be bothered to separate them so I use 2 eggs and a glug of olive oil and whisk. Slap this on your hair leave for 20mins and wash off. Please please don't wash it out with hot water, do you really want scrambled egg in your hair? The results are really noticeable and don't worry your hair won't smell or anything, you will just have smooth shiny lush locks of hair, enjoy!
Take a bath- Oh how I have missed baths, everytime I go home I tell myself I'm going to have a nice long soak in the bath, I never bloody get round to it though. For uber relaxation why not combine a long soak in the bath with your favourite book or magazine.
Wearing matching bra and pants - I always feel really classy when I do this, it isn't pampering as such but it makes me feel better about life.
Grab yourself a cuppa- again I like to combine this with reading a good book and cake, always cake.
Movie night- Go on, indulge in Bridget Jones and Ben and Jerry's, the ultimate night in.
How do you like to pamper yourself?
Keep it scrimpy
On my kind of budget I can't really afford massive pamper days and spa breaks, I even find expensive face masks a waste of money so here are my favourite cheap and easy ways of pampering yourself.
Reading a book- I can't wait for summer when I can read nothing but trashy literature, I'm taking at least a few weeks break from academic papers. Make use of your local library to save some pennies or if you have a kindle there are loads of freebies out there.
Egg hair mask- stick with me on this one, I've read you are supposed to just use the yolk but I can never be bothered to separate them so I use 2 eggs and a glug of olive oil and whisk. Slap this on your hair leave for 20mins and wash off. Please please don't wash it out with hot water, do you really want scrambled egg in your hair? The results are really noticeable and don't worry your hair won't smell or anything, you will just have smooth shiny lush locks of hair, enjoy!
Take a bath- Oh how I have missed baths, everytime I go home I tell myself I'm going to have a nice long soak in the bath, I never bloody get round to it though. For uber relaxation why not combine a long soak in the bath with your favourite book or magazine.
Wearing matching bra and pants - I always feel really classy when I do this, it isn't pampering as such but it makes me feel better about life.
Grab yourself a cuppa- again I like to combine this with reading a good book and cake, always cake.
Movie night- Go on, indulge in Bridget Jones and Ben and Jerry's, the ultimate night in.
How do you like to pamper yourself?
Keep it scrimpy
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
#BEDM - Life lessons
I've found this topic quite difficult to write about, the past few days have been quite emotional and I'm finding it hard to find a positive life lesson to share with you. Warning...this is an emotional one!
Passion and dedication will only get you so far in life
Sometimes is really hurts to be told you're not good at something, it hurts even more when that thing is the one thing you really love. I have always been passionate about my education and my dedication unwavering. I found it soul destroying when I put all my time and effort into a piece of work and all I ever got back was 'this is not good enough' or 'please redo' in high school I frequently got this in Maths and it's really affected my confidence. I panic at the slightest mention of maths, all those feelings of not being good enough come flooding back. I really hate failing at something I have tried really hard at.
Be happy and Kick ass
This is my new mantra in life and probably the most positive mantra I have had in awhile I accept that like is going to throw some shit my way and I will tackle that as and when I need to, but for now I'm enjoying what I have because I've had worse, I've seen worse and I've been worse in life. So everyday I walk out my door with a smile on my face ready to kick ass at whatever I am doing.
Okay, so we ended on a positive note, not too bad.
Keep it scrimpy
Passion and dedication will only get you so far in life
Sometimes is really hurts to be told you're not good at something, it hurts even more when that thing is the one thing you really love. I have always been passionate about my education and my dedication unwavering. I found it soul destroying when I put all my time and effort into a piece of work and all I ever got back was 'this is not good enough' or 'please redo' in high school I frequently got this in Maths and it's really affected my confidence. I panic at the slightest mention of maths, all those feelings of not being good enough come flooding back. I really hate failing at something I have tried really hard at.
Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it (oh yes that is the lion king)
This refers more to my experiences of my parents separation and divorce. I like to think I have learnt from my parents mistakes and the mistakes I made during that time as well. It took me quite a while to face some of my demons from that time, my sixth form tutor was really good and helping me through it all when I decided I was ready to face them. I learnt a lot from myself both good and bad. Even though the past can hurt I think it's good to look back every now and again to see how far you have come.Be happy and Kick ass
This is my new mantra in life and probably the most positive mantra I have had in awhile I accept that like is going to throw some shit my way and I will tackle that as and when I need to, but for now I'm enjoying what I have because I've had worse, I've seen worse and I've been worse in life. So everyday I walk out my door with a smile on my face ready to kick ass at whatever I am doing.
Okay, so we ended on a positive note, not too bad.
Keep it scrimpy
#BEDM- Food glorious food
So this might be a day late but after my exam yesterday I wasn't feeling great, then by the time I got home at about 9 I felt dreadful so it was a very early night for me, I hope you can all forgive me.
Back to the subject of food, I love food.
For me a pre exam breakfast is possibly one of the most important meals of the year, yesterday my pre-exam breakfast consisted on the worlds biggest sandwich, this picture doesn't do it justice!
Bacon, mushroom and fried egg sandwich (the only way this could have been improved was to add oatcakes)
I was going with the theory of the more grease the better, and to be fair this did get me through my three hour exam and beyond! I'm sure science says I should be eating oily fish and stuff like that but a greasy sandwich counts just the same right?
Any pre-exam food recommendations for me to try for me next exam?
Keep it scrimpy.
Monday, 13 May 2013
#BEDM-Go Green!
As a geographer going green is important for me and as a
student going green can save you some much needed pennies. So really it’s win
This year loads of societies have clubbed together and proudly taken part in a campaign
called the size of Wales.
At Bangor we have had several fundraising events this year including
A meet the Lemurs night at the Welsh Mountain Zoo! In total Bangor have so far
raised £3768
and with the northern society donating all their profits from their summer
ball everyone is hoping we will break the £4000 mark
All the money goes to
a Malagasy-based organisation called Madagasikara Voakajy who protect
critically endangered species and combat issues like deforestation, bushmeat
hunting and illegal gold mining. They also teach sustainable agriculture
techniques to local communities to help them more away from the traditional slash
and burn methods.
As a student you get loads of opportunities to get involved
with campaigns like this and I really would recommend it. Even if you just help
out for one day it looks great on a CV or if you fancy it you could always
co-ordinate a campaign yourself!
Now if saving the rainforest by donating isn't your thing,
how about saving the rainforest by saving yourself a few pennies? Here are my
top tips for going green and saving money!
- Get off your lazy arse and walk. – As a student I understand that a five min walk from the supermarket is difficult but don’t waste your money on a taxi.
- Wash on a cooler wash- While this might not be cheaper if you use a laundrette but when you have to pay bills, think of all the energy it takes to heat up all that water! More energy = more money
- Get a clothes horse- Saves you waiting around for your washing to dry in the laundrette and saves you about £2 every wash! I did a whole post about them here
- Use freecycle – I love freecycle, stuff for free… what more could I want!?
- Turn lights of as you leave the room- Will save you some money on your bills and save the planet. Win win! Admittedly this is harder in halls when the kitchen and hall lights are automatic but you can still turn your bedroom light off!
- Keep a carrier bag with you at all times- If I actually followed this bit of advice I would have saved myself a fortune this year! You have to pay for carrier bags in Wales so keeping one in your bag at all times will save you a few pennies should you ever have a spontaneous shopping trip. Plus if you take a trip to the beach between lectures (I love bangor!) you always have something to sit on!
Keep it scrimpy
Sunday, 12 May 2013
#BEDM- Collecting.
Firstly Happy Birthday to my sister Rachel who kicks ass and it totally amazing.
On to today’s topic of collecting. I collect Rubber Ducks.
It all started a few years ago when I was doing my GCSE’s, my friend Becky got
me come colour changing rubber duckies for my birthday, then the next Christmas
I got her a giant rubber duck and then from there we never looked back, every
year for birthdays and Christmas we got each other duck related presents. Then
we went to Italy on a geography trip in 6th form. We decided to both take a duck with us, I had brought Becky Jill when I was on a trip to london so we thought British themed ducks would be perfect to take with
us. Let me introduce you to Jack and Jill
Here they are on our balcony in Italy
They went everywhere with us until Becky left Jill in
Herculaneum by accident. We thought she was lost forever until we started
getting strange emails from the duck! Next thing we knew Jill was off on her
travels in Tenerife and The Cayman Islands, it didn't take us long to work out
that the teachers had nabbed her and were having some fun of their own.
They somehow managed to take this photo of Jill on Mt Vesuvius without us seeing!
Over the years my collection has grown substantially, so
much that I can’t fit them in my room at uni anymore, I have had to send some home, it was heartbreaking for me. However, I do still have Jack
sitting in my window. Stupidly I don't have any photos of my full duck collection but I would say I own 40+ ducks currently and I hope the collection keeps on growing!
Keep it scrimpy
#BEDM Book Love. My summer reads.
I'm a total book worm, always have been. In year 4 I got star of the week for being a bookworm for the whole year. Hannah still hasn't let me live that one down.
So here are the books on the my current reading list (Some nerdy books some not)

So here are the books on the my current reading list (Some nerdy books some not)
This is my number one nerdy book that I plan to have a browse over the summer. I really love the Mediterranean so I can't wait to get my hands on that one and have a read.
I'm always one of those people who wants to read the book before seeing the film. Admittedly this has been on my radar for awhile, I just haven't quite gotten round to reading it just yet.
I LOVE the sex and the city series and films and I have already read the first book and totally loved it so this is next on my list of things to ready
I'm only going to recommend you all read one book.
You will laugh cry and cry some more.
A heart-warming and inspirational tale in which Enzo, a loyal family dog, tells the story of his human family, how they nearly fell apart, and what he did to bring them back together.
Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: he thinks and feels in nearly human ways. He has educated himself by watching extensive television, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver. Through Denny, Enzo realizes that racing is a metaphor: that by applying the techniques a driver would apply on the race track, one can successfully navigate the ordeals and travails one encounters in life.
Enzo relates the story of his human family, sharing their tragedies and triumphs. In the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations as a dog, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family.
The Art of Racing in the Rain is a testament to a man's life, given by his dog. But it is also a testament to the dog, himself. Though Enzo cannot speak, he understands everything that happens around him as he bears witness to his master's problems. His enforced muteness only refines his listening ability, and allows him to understand many of life's nuances that are lost on most humans. With humour, sharp observation, and a courageous heart, Enzo guides the reader to the bittersweet yet ultimately satisfying conclusion: there are no limitations to what we can achieve, if we truly know where we want to be.
If you actually read all of that then well done. Seriously though this book is amazing, I picked it up while I was in America to read on the flight back, I remember finishing it in my form time and I just sat there crying. My form tutor was slightly worried to say the least. It is one of those books the really made me look at the world in a different way. It's not just a book about a dog it's a book about life, dog lover or not this book kicks ass!
Keep it scrimpy.
Friday, 10 May 2013
#BEDM My Travel Dreams
As a Geographer I feel it's in my blood to want to travel, to see the world and all things that make it so beautiful.
Yes I would love to travel to New York and see a broadway show, visit the empire state building or go shopping in bloomingdales. Yes I would love to go and visit the lovely Erica over in Massachusetts again. Yes I would love to find Mr Romantic who would sweep me off my feet and take me to Paris where we would dine in the finest restaurants and dance all night long.
But what I dream of most is the oh so beautiful sunny and tranquil island of Kefalonia. Most famous for being the setting of Captain Corelli's Mandolin, a film where the donkeys got paid more than the extras.
Probably the most famous image of the island is of Myrtos Beach. It is often given the title of most photographed beach in Europe
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Yes I would love to travel to New York and see a broadway show, visit the empire state building or go shopping in bloomingdales. Yes I would love to go and visit the lovely Erica over in Massachusetts again. Yes I would love to find Mr Romantic who would sweep me off my feet and take me to Paris where we would dine in the finest restaurants and dance all night long.
But what I dream of most is the oh so beautiful sunny and tranquil island of Kefalonia. Most famous for being the setting of Captain Corelli's Mandolin, a film where the donkeys got paid more than the extras.
Probably the most famous image of the island is of Myrtos Beach. It is often given the title of most photographed beach in Europe
What seems like forever ago now my Godparents moved out to Kefalonia and everytime we go out to see them I fall in love with the place a little more. When we first starting going out there it was quite cheap, now with the state of the greek economy and the exchange rate mixed with the fact more people seem to have discovered this little gem it has gone very expensive.
My dream would be to go back out there before I finish uni, it isn't a big party place packed with clubs but that's why I love it, it's so relaxing and the people are just so lovely.
Anyway enough of me dreaming, back to reality, it's GeogSoc summer ball tonight and I need to get ready.
Keep it scrimpy
Thursday, 9 May 2013
#BEDM- Favourite Social Media Channel
As a Blogger I find it very difficult to pick my favourite social media channel. I have appreciation for all of them really but for me (and I'm guessing most people) it comes down to facebook or twitter.
Best for organising stuff. We have groups for everything on facebook from Geog Soc to my old politics class, it makes it easy or organise events both small and large.
Worst for being a nosey bitch. I like the fact I can follow Stephen Fry on Twitter, you don't get that with facebook.
Best for networking. I have met most of my blogger friends through twitter #twittersisters and blogger discussions are my fave way of finding new blogs to follow and read
Worst for having Deep meaningful conversations (DMCs). Not only are you restricted character wise but also the whole bloody world can see your DMC.
I think for me Twitter just about wins the battle for best social network as I just really like being nosey.
What's your favourite social network? Feel free to leave some links so I can follow you guys (I'm a nosey bitch)
You can follow me on the following networks
Keep it scrimpy
Best for organising stuff. We have groups for everything on facebook from Geog Soc to my old politics class, it makes it easy or organise events both small and large.
Worst for being a nosey bitch. I like the fact I can follow Stephen Fry on Twitter, you don't get that with facebook.
Best for networking. I have met most of my blogger friends through twitter #twittersisters and blogger discussions are my fave way of finding new blogs to follow and read
Worst for having Deep meaningful conversations (DMCs). Not only are you restricted character wise but also the whole bloody world can see your DMC.
I think for me Twitter just about wins the battle for best social network as I just really like being nosey.
What's your favourite social network? Feel free to leave some links so I can follow you guys (I'm a nosey bitch)
You can follow me on the following networks
Keep it scrimpy
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
#BEDM- My First Job
I have had a job in some form or another for nearly 4 years now, currently I work at my local pub and I love it much unlike my first job
My First job was awful. I met some seriously amazing people that made the job tolerable. I worked at my local chinese restaurant, actually to be fair the job wasn't too bad. My manager was a bitch.
I was just 15 when Alex and I called in asking for jobs before our holiday to Turkey, turns out we both got 'interviews' (it was more of when can you start) and the job. Although we very rarely worked together, when we did we kicked ass!
Long story short, the place was very dodgy and very overpriced, about a year after I started working there I gained my food hygiene and safety certificate through my volunteer work and there were a few too many things wrong with that place for my liking.
The manager/owner was a total cow, while I accept that she does own the place and she did employ me so she was the boss but, the way she spoke to and treated some customers and even her own staff was totally unacceptable.
Anyway, I got the sack after a year and a half after I told her that she shouldn't push her daughter in to choosing the GCSE options that she wanted her to pick. Also, I think she found out that I had another job. From there I went the work at the Old Mill which was a much nicer atmosphere to work in.
Well that wasn't too much of a rant, could have gone worse. I feel really bad for these being text based posts but I don't have any photos of me from back then.
Keep it scrimpy
My First job was awful. I met some seriously amazing people that made the job tolerable. I worked at my local chinese restaurant, actually to be fair the job wasn't too bad. My manager was a bitch.
I was just 15 when Alex and I called in asking for jobs before our holiday to Turkey, turns out we both got 'interviews' (it was more of when can you start) and the job. Although we very rarely worked together, when we did we kicked ass!
Long story short, the place was very dodgy and very overpriced, about a year after I started working there I gained my food hygiene and safety certificate through my volunteer work and there were a few too many things wrong with that place for my liking.
The manager/owner was a total cow, while I accept that she does own the place and she did employ me so she was the boss but, the way she spoke to and treated some customers and even her own staff was totally unacceptable.
Anyway, I got the sack after a year and a half after I told her that she shouldn't push her daughter in to choosing the GCSE options that she wanted her to pick. Also, I think she found out that I had another job. From there I went the work at the Old Mill which was a much nicer atmosphere to work in.
Well that wasn't too much of a rant, could have gone worse. I feel really bad for these being text based posts but I don't have any photos of me from back then.
Keep it scrimpy
#BEDM- Pets
Finally a post where I'm not complaining about revision!
Okay. so pets, well there is only one little beauty I'm talking about today, LUCKY!
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Okay. so pets, well there is only one little beauty I'm talking about today, LUCKY!
She is literally the most beautiful thing in the world to me. We got her as a rescue when she was 1 or 2 , even today we aren't entirely sure how old she is. Anyway, long story short she was in a bad way when we got her but with all the love and attention (and food) she was soon a totally different dog.
I seriously don't know what I would do without her, she was my rock when my parents broke up the second time round and all through their divorce her bright eyes and wagging tail kept me going on even the darkest of days.
Here are some very cute photos of her for you all to enjoy, everyone say awww!
Yes, that is my dog wearing my jumper.
'What you lookin' at'
She LOVES the water (unless it's a bath)
The snow is quite tasty as well apparently
Sleepy dog
Keep it scrimpy
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
#BEDM- Bank holiday 'fun'
While some of you may have been enjoying the amazing weather we seem to be having this bank holiday (it's even been sunny in Bangor) I have, yet again been stuck with my head in a text book revising. I sound like a whiny bitch don't it?
Anyway after a day of serious hardcore revision and a few too many F.R.I.E.N.D.S clips from YouTube (yes I watched the whole thing), I spent the evening with the crazy gang who I'm living with next year and Giselle (who sadly I'm not living with next year). Finally tonight was spent with the lovely Richard who had never seen despicable me, until tonight that is!
I was all curled up in bed, until about 2 mins ago when I realised that I hadn't pressed the post button on this post. Oops!
Keep it scrimpy
Anyway after a day of serious hardcore revision and a few too many F.R.I.E.N.D.S clips from YouTube (yes I watched the whole thing), I spent the evening with the crazy gang who I'm living with next year and Giselle (who sadly I'm not living with next year). Finally tonight was spent with the lovely Richard who had never seen despicable me, until tonight that is!
I hope you all had a much better bank holiday than I did.
I was all curled up in bed, until about 2 mins ago when I realised that I hadn't pressed the post button on this post. Oops!
Keep it scrimpy
Monday, 6 May 2013
#BEDM- Fit and Healthy
I am in no way fit. Bitch hill is a daily struggle, I’m
counting down the days left, next year I don't plan to walk up it much at all.
Over summer my big plan is to work on getting fit and being
more ‘outdoorsy’, we shall see how well that goes.
My one plus point is
that I do eat reasonably healthy I can be found raiding the isles of aldi
for amazing 39p fruit and veg on a weekly basis. For a student I don’t really eat a lot of processed foods,
although bacon oatcakes are my downfall in life (Thank You very much to Richard who picked them up for me from TESCO today, I'm a classy girl you see). I would much rather make my own pizza from scratch than order one in, it's more fun and healthy-ish.
Lets hope this summer brings more gym trips and outdoors adventures than bacon oatcakes.
Keep it scrimpy.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
#BEDM- Five Fave Blogs
It's been hard enough picking these five but here they are in all their glory.
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Firstly Lora has a great name, she was my partner in the valentines day gift
swap that I posted about a whole month after valentines day and her blog is super cute
Sadie leads a very interesting life down in London and her ‘made it Monday’
posts are brilliant.
I have known Becca for what feels like forever, we went to high school together
and it has been too long since we had a catch up. I remember her blog when it
was first starting out, she totally kicks ass at blogging!
I Love this blog, it’s where I get most of my crafty inspirations from, the
tutorials are so easy to follow and for most of the projects you can reuse
stuff you already had, very scrimpy indeed. - She's a fellow Stoke-on-trent lass and has a photogenic cat. Her blog is varied, one day talking about running shoes, the next day hot chocolate. She also tweets strange things occasionally.
Please do pop over and pay them a visit, maybe even say hello, they are all very friendly and don't bite, I promise.
Now I'm off to watch Bridget Jones with on over sized bar of chocolate, a massive bag of doritos and copious amounts of vodka . May the Fourth be with you.
Keep it scrimpy
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