Tuesday, 28 May 2013

#BEDM - Bad advice

Okay, so today I'm supposed to discuss the worst piece of advice I have ever been given but quite frankly I can't think of any. I'm sure there have been times when I've followed someones advice and the situation hasn't quite worked out as I planned it in my little head. Usually it's my own advice I should be weary of especially when it comes to my love life, I should never follow my own advice there. Vicky is my love life adviser, I should listen to her more often, looking back she's been right about all of my ex's.

Anyway, my disastrous love life aside.

The only bad advice I can even think of, and it isn't really advice, more of a phrase; and in some cases it isn't even bad...

"Lets go to the pub for one"
(or any variation upon that) 

This never actually results in just having one. It usually results in a full night out and me making a total arse out of myself at The Greek. Although at the same time this one little, very dangerous phrase has resulted in some of the best nights out I have ever had.

Feel free to share some actual bad advice so we don't all make the same mistakes you did.

Keep it scrimpy

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha oh dearrr, I'm only 17 so under the legal drinking age in the UK, but even I have heard this phrase waaaay too many times and I just know it won't end well!

    The worst advice I've ever heard is probably "You'll suit short hair, trust me." Four years later I'm still trying to grow it! :@

    I've really been enjoying this everyday blogs in May, well done on nearly reaching the end!

    Lipstick Lessons

    Emma x
