Tuesday 7 May 2013

#BEDM- Bank holiday 'fun'

While some of you may have been enjoying the amazing weather we seem to be having this bank holiday (it's even been sunny in Bangor) I have, yet again been stuck with my head in a text book revising. I sound like a whiny bitch don't it?

Anyway after a day of serious hardcore revision and a few too many F.R.I.E.N.D.S clips from YouTube (yes I watched the whole thing), I spent the evening with the crazy gang who I'm living with next year and Giselle (who sadly I'm not living with next year). Finally tonight was spent with the lovely Richard who had never seen despicable me, until tonight that is!

I hope you all had a much better bank holiday than I did.

I was all curled up in bed, until about 2 mins ago when I realised that I hadn't pressed the post button on this post. Oops!

Keep it scrimpy

1 comment:

  1. It was a top bank holiday weekend. Bangor never let's me down. I still feel hung over from Sunday afternoon in the BV though.
