Sunday, 13 October 2013

Food for thought - Malala Yousafzai

If you don't know who Malala is then you've probably been living under a rock.

Malala was shot in the head by members of the Taliban in October 2012 aged 15. She was shot because she believed that girls in Pakistan have a right to an education. Luckily she survived this horrible ordeal and she hasn't been silenced since her recovery she has spoken and countless conferences as an advocate for women's rights.

Today she was on the Andrew Marr show where she again reiterated her desire for girls in Pakistan to have access to education. She's currently 16 and she just amazes me, her passion and enthusiasm for education is enlightening, for someone who wants to teach in the future her attitude to education and life is heart-warming

Please do take the time to watch this, it's only 5 mins of your day.

Keep it Scrimpy

P.s Let me know what you think about these food for thought posts!

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