So after my month in Malta Richard and I were finally reunited, it was like the scene from gone with the wind when Ashley returns (Youtube it). Just kidding, he had presents for me, I was like an annoying kid at christmas. Anyway, I had an awesome weekend planned. Since we had decided to become National Trust members when we visited another property last month I thought we should make use of it.
Now, I'm hearing you all holla, isn't the National Trust for your gran? Well no. They have some brilliant properties, gardens,beaches and countryside and over summer there's loads going on.Membership for a young person is £27 and if you consider that just to get into Little Moreton Hall is £9 the membership soon pays for itself!
So now I've got that bit over with, on to our awesome day at Little Moreton Hall.
I hadn't been here since I was in primary school so I was keen to revisit, we headed out and picked up picnic supplies (Because I have neglected food shopping) for an even scrimpier day out, make your own (we will next time). I packed my favourite picnic rug and off we went. Parking was ample even though it was the summer holidays and quite busy. A very friendly lady greeted us and scanned our membership cards and we walked up to the house. Since it was lunchtime we decided on a picnic first, since the weather has been great we opened to make use of the blanket and sit on the floor even though there were plenty of benches.
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Here's out picnic. Sainsbury's taste the difference sandwiches are amazing and priced at £3 each if you opt for the meal deal you get the drink and snack free! |
I didn't know this but volunteers give tours of the house, so we tagged on the end of a tour and explored the house, tours seemed to be going on constantly throughout the day so there was always a tour if you wanted one.I didn't catch the name of the man giving our tour but he was so lovely and happily answered my questions at the end. Then, we decided to explore on our own for a while and found a room full of games including cup and ball (I was far better than Richard) and a game called goose (Richard won this one). Next we found the highlight of the house for most kids and immature people like me. A toilet. Not an actual toilet, an old one, and yes, like the three kids in there before me I posed and had my photo taken!
After an obligatory tea break we headed out to explore the knot garden, I noticed that they have a basket of picnic blankets here as well so if you don't have one or don't want to haul one round all day then you can simply borrow one for free! The garden is small but there's plenty to see, there's fruit and veg growing all over the place, we had a fun game of guess the veg (We seriously need to get out more) then befriended a duck who then followed us around for a while.
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He was seriously cute. |
After all that it was time to head home, obviously we had to exit via the shop. We both resisted all urges to buy stuff which is unusual! We had an awesome day out and saved ourselves some money!
For more info about National Trust membership look here and for more info about Little Moreton Hall click here
Have you ever visited a National Trust property? Where should be visit next?
I love Little Moreton Hall! It's great for kids, there's loads of space for them to run around outside and the games area upstairs kept me entertained longer than it did them!