Friday, 8 March 2013

International women's day- Women who inspire me.

International women's day is a day when the whole world comes together to inspire and celebrate the achievements of women all around the world. While there is still so much work to be done before women are truly equal (check out this post from Sara over at Pretty in Pink) and I personally doubt if we will ever get there, I want to use this blog post to look at the positives and share with you some of the amazing and inspirational women who have impacted upon my life...

Firstly my teachers, while I like to think all of my teachers (both male and female) have had some kind of impact on my life there are a few who have really changed me for the better.
Mrs Withers was my Geography teacher at GCSE and it is totally her fault that I am here at uni now studying geography and it's her fault I want be be a geography teacher. I just remember walking into her lessons and wanting to learn, her enthusiasm for the subject really captured my imagination and since then all I have wanted to do was teach geography. Here is a quote from my personal statement I sent to uni and it's true...
"I tell myself that if I can inspire just one student in the way she has inspired me I will retire happy"
Mrs Halsall was my A-level geography teacher (see a theme here), I just think she was brilliant, it probably helped that I was already sold on her subject but I just really enjoyed being in her lessons, I think her knowledge of the subject is what intrigued me, plus she was the kind of teacher you could have a laugh with which always helps
Mrs Brookshaw was my form tutor from year 9-11 then she had the misfortune to teach me politics for a year at A-level, she picked me up when I was at my lowest and got me through some really tough times throughout my times at school, I know I wouldn't be as strong as I am today if it weren't for her.
Mrs Riding was my form tutor throughout 6th form and also my biology teacher. She helped me face some demons during my time at 6th form and I'm glad she did, I couldn't have done it on my own. 
Mrs Barton is the most organised person I have ever met, she sits in the 6th form office all day organizing everything and everyone, I would't be at uni without here, seriously she corrected my UCAS form so many times. One day I shall be as organized as Mrs Barton, and on that day I shall take over the world!

I don't think people really appreciate what teachers do, yes then teach the curriculum but they do so much more. I think I appreciated them because when my parents split up home wasn't a very nice place to be so school was my escape and I was always aware of how much support the school gave me and I still am very grateful for that

Alex Rhead is the most amazing person I know, this lady has been dealt a rough hand over the past few years and yet she still has a smile on her face. She's like my little sister (she's three days older than me), I would do anything to protect her.

Jessica Livingstone; never have I met such a strong minded woman, she says what she thinks and doesn't really care, she will take on any man in an argument and totally slaughter him 99% of the time. Sometimes I think I should be more like her, maybe I shall... oh and to top if off she's gorgeous! 

Vivian Arrowsmith, to most she's just an average old lady, sat dwindling away in a care home but to me she is so much more, I learnt so much from this woman when I was growing up, we would have day trips to Chester, we walked the walls, toured the cathedral. She taught me a lot about birds from how to attract them to your garden (it isn't as simple and chucking some food out) to how to recognize their calls. I don't get on with my grandparents very well so she was always like my Gran, she would look after me during school holidays and it's only with her help we have Lucky now.

My mum, I suppose this one goes without saying really, but thanks mum, you're ace.

I could go on but to be honest I'm getting a little emotional, feel free to share stories of women who have inspired you.

Keep it scrimpy.

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