Saturday, 31 October 2015

BEDN- An introduction.

So this November I will be taking the blog every day in November challenge run by Elizabeth from Rosalilium , I did a similar challenge in May 2012 and really enjoyed it so I think it's about time I did it again. I hope you'll all enjoy it, there are a few titles that I'm a little unsure about but so many in really excited to write.

Hope you enjoy the ride!

Keep it scrimpy,

Saturday, 17 October 2015

My 10 biggest mistakes of student living

Having lived out the 'proper' studenty bit of my time at uni I feel like should pass on some advice so here are my 10 biggest mistakes of student living. 

10 - Not making the most of the clubs and societies

I was so lucky at Bangor to experience free student clubs and societies so why the hell did I never try scuba diving!? I'm kicking myself now. 

9 - Not making the most of my surroundings