It has been an exciting few days in Bangorland. Yesterday I went back to 'lookachu' (the vintage/retro shop where I got this dress) and came away with a new blog post (more on that soon) and a whole new outfit (oops) I'm officially in love with the place. Then today I was studying hard in one of my lectures when I got an email telling me the lovely Helen from Treasure every moment had left me a comment. It turned out she had nominated me for the Liebster Award.
The Liebster Award seems to have been going forever, I can't find who started it. It seems to have appeared in about 2010 from what I have Googled Anyway, it is an award given to a blogger who has less than 200 followers, they follow the rules, you guys find out some things about them then they nominate some more blogs that they love.
I had seen these of a few other people's blogs and I quite enjoyed reading them, so now it's my turn, so here I go.
Rules of the Liebster Award:
1. List 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Ask 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
Facts about me.
1-It took two cars to get all my stuff to uni
2-I don't drink that much
3-I am currently drinking a sex-on-the-beach
4-I have a dog called Lucky and I miss her more than anything when I'm at uni
5-I paint my nails almost every night
6-I can't deal with the people I love when they are drunk, it's like the person I love isn't really there anymore. If I don't really know them then I'm alright with it.
7-I don't wear make-up everyday or even most days
8-I own a singed picture of Matt Lewis
9-I was sorted into Hufflepuff on pottermore and I'm proud of it
10-I watched all 10 seasons of friends in under 10 weeks
11-I'm currently watching sex and the city for the first time ever
My questions from the lovely Helen
1) Who/what made you want to start blogging?
Everyone seems to have the misconception that all students are always skint even students themselves. I decided that I wasn't going to be one of these skint students, so after being inspired the Thrifty ways of athriftymrs and seeing my friend Becca's blog grow from humble beginnings (seriously this girl is amazing) I decided to jump in feet first .
2) How long have you been blogging for?
Only since September 2012, my blog is only a baby but I'm so proud of it.
3) What's your best piece of advice?
In blogging-There is always someone out there who wants to read your work so keep writing!
In life- Don't take your education for granted
Stay classy
4) What's your best attribute?
Apparently my legs, although I like my smile
5) What's your worst habit?
Picking my nail polish off when I'm bored
6) High heels or flats?
Flats! Have you ever been to Bangor!? (oh the hills!)
7) What's your favourite small business?
A shop called lookatchu located in upper Bangor I may have mentioned it EVERYWHERE! I am totally in love with the place, check out the website or if you are in Bangor please call in and say hi.
8) What/who inspires your blog posts?
My experiences as a student mostly, although my need to save money and get a bargain helps
9) If you had a time machine where would you go?
Somewhere warm and sunny, the weather here is grim at the moment.
(there were two nines) 9) What would your top 5 beauty products be?
-Pantene Smooth Vitality leave-in conditioner
-Pantene Ice shine serum
-Pure revitalising facial cleanser toner and moisturiser
-Tea Tree cream
-Body shop body butter passion fruit
10) Favourite meal?
Baked Camembert cheese with bread, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
11) Favourite memory?
The moment my UCAS status changed and I knew I had got into uni
My questions for my beautiful winners
1-What's your favourite TV series and which character do you think you're most like?
2-If you had to buy clothes from one shop forever more, what would it be?
3-What's the weirdest food you have ever eaten?
4-Sex or chocolate?
5-What is your favourite item of clothing?
6-Any plans for a holiday this year?
7-What is your favourite season?
8-How's life going?
9-What is your biggest achievement so far?
10-If you could have a dinner party with 5 people of your choice (dead, alive or fictional) who would you choose?
11-If you could have a magical power for one day only, what would it be?
I nominate...
I'm afraid I'm going to have to break the rules here, that's all the people I follow who have less than 200 followers
A massive thank you to Helen for nominating me, please pop over to her blog and have a read, it's a great blog find her at
Everyone who I nominated, if you post your questions let me know I would love a nosy!
Keep it scrimpy.