This post isn't going to contain anything that will save you money or time, Just me saying thank you.
I started my little blog earlier this year because people really do have the wrong idea about students. We aren't all skint all the time, we don't all live off pizza and takeaways, sure some students do but for the majority students aren't too bad.
I was bought up to appreciate what I had and make the most of it and since becoming a student I have really had to put some of those lessons into practice and I wanted share those lessons with you so maybe some of you wont make the mistakes I have made (or have seen).
Looking to 2013 I really want to make this blog work. I want to make my scrimpy tips a regular feature and share with you some affordable meal ideas, I might drop vblogging for a bit and finally I want to really immerse myself in the blogging world.
Thankyou to everyone for your help and support this past year.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year :)
Check out my xmas giveaway; :)