Okay, so this is a day late and I'm very sorry but that does mean you all get two blog posts today!
Most nights are nights in for me now, we're in the middle of nowhere so indulging myself while staying in is something I'm getting used to. Here's how I do it.
Have a bath
This sounds proper cheesy but there's nothing I love more than relaxing in a warm bubble bath with some music on and just forgetting about all responsibility, even for just half an hour.
Catch up on TV shows
I'm a little obsessed with #zax |
There's not much time for TV so we occasionally like to take and evening to shut out the rest of the world and catch up with Russel Howard's Good News, Casualty or if I'm in the mood for something cheesy, say yes to the dress. I've been known to combine this is having a bath. Also, I'm far too invested in Casualty at the moment, Zax are my top priority on a Saturday night, they have to get back together (I probably need to get out more)