I've been in contact with a few different groups of would be freshers for a few months now and I'm beginning to find that there are some questions and worries that keep cropping up over and over again. So I've finally been persuaded to write a post about it all.
Just to help I've dragged Al into helping me with this one! Feel free to share your own thoughts as well!
Missing family and friends back home
Al says: I could not wait to get away to be honest. But when I got to Uni there
were times when I did miss home comforts and family. The best thing to
do is keep yourself occupied. Whether that be getting a part time job or
joining societies ( I would recommend the latter for 1st semester if
not 1st year). There is so much more to Uni than lecturers so grab every
opportunity and really chuck yourself in. If you fill your time you
won't have time to miss family! Just remember though they are only ever a
phone call away
Laura says: Homesickness can be really hard, for me I was fine until week six which was reading week and everyone in my flat had gone home so I was on my own, it hit me really hard but luckily I had some really good friends who could see I was in a bit of trouble and were more than happy to help me out in the form of cookies and ice cream. Make sure you keep in contact with family back home, skype is great, surround yourself with good friends and keep yourself busy, just don't go all of freshers without sending a text home or your parents might get a little worried. See my post about home sickness